acanthus hungaricus (hungarian bear's breeches)*
- AKA acanthus balcanus
- hardier species than acanthus mollis
- dark green spiny leaves look similar to a thistle
- flower spikes of pink and white are quite prickly to the touch
- easy to care for
- slow-growing
- deer and rabbit resistant
- bloom time: mid to late summer
- zone 5
- height 75-100 cm
- spread 50-75 cm
- tolerates full sun, part sun/shade
- attracts butterflies
- apply mulch in the fall for overwintering
- acanthus do not like to have their 'feet' wet in the winter months
- may take a few years to flower, but are worth the wait
- once the blooms are finished, they should be cut back to encourage new foliage growth until frost
- (image courtesy of NVK nurseries, NVK holdings inc.)