agastache scrophulariaefolia (purple giant hyssop) native

Size: 1 litre
  • strong, tall central stems
  • blooms are pale purple and open slowly over a period of weeks
  • they are nectar-rich makes them highly attractive to pollinators
  • bloom time: july to october
  • zone 4
  • height 125-175cm
  • spread 50-60cm
  • colour purple
  • grows best in full sun and an average to dry, well-drained soil
  • if desired, pinch main stems in june just before buds form, to maintain a compact habit
  • remove finished flowers to promote a second flowering
  • no serious pest or disease problems
  • spreads by rhizomes and will easily self-seed in optimum conditions
  • attracts hummingbirds
  • attracts butterflies
  • attracts birds
  • deer resistant
  • long blooming
  • native to ontario
  • (image courtesy of NVK nurseries, NVK holdings inc.)